So last weekend we finally added the second layer of vinyl to the infamous graphic wall at a kick ass place in Minneapolis (I'm not going to name names since they probably wouldn't want my weak ass blog coming up when someone google's their name. And its in the pic anyway). Just to give you an idea of scale here, the wall is roughly 25' x 25' (yeah, that's right ' not "(and it spans two floors of the three that they are in). I wish I would have got a pic when the scaffolding was still up but you could imagine how cool it was. How about some specs on the wall itself? Well that's a very good question special kid in the front row (you know who you are). We started off putting dusted crystal vinyl onto the wall that is painted a very dark brown. After they decided they didn't like it (long story and I'm trying to block that out of my memory) we decided to add a layer of matte black vinyl onto what we did already. We did offset the black 1" (give or take (don't look too close)) to the left so that made it a little easier, I guess. Basically, you can actually see the graphic (in case you can't tell its kind of a stylized tree, forest, thing) from all angles now.
Here's another pic showing the top half of the wall. Yep, that is an old Defender arcade game in the back.

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