Friday, May 29, 2009

This guy hates tires

I think it's fairly obvious that this German dude loves to punish rear tires. It's probably some sick fetish for him. And he's probably crazy too because that isn't the "stock" engine (if you couldn't tell from the sweet sound). Apparently, it is a turbo Hayabusa engine complete with chain driven rear axle that is obviously where the back seat used to be. Imagine being inside the car with that thing screaming at 11,000 rpm's. Fuck.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Hummer in Jurassic Park??/?

I figured I probably should throw these pics up now before they get really old. While we were in Hawaii; Tim, Jen, Susie, and I went on a Lost Hummer tour (no it's not a tour about getting a hummer)(and it's Lost as in the popular television series). And right now you're thinking "those pictures looked like they were from Jurassic Park, there is even a Jurassic Park sign there." And that is correct, good job! Except the first pic is from Lost, so suck it. And for the most part, our pics that are of the Lost stuff is probably pretty boring to anyone that does not watch it, which is probably everyone that reads this besides Tim, Jen, Susie, and I. Sooo, if you want pics of that stuff, just let me know and I'll post them and we can all nerd out to them. But for now just enjoy us being scared of the T-Rex.

edit: I forgot to add that the last picture is from Timmy. Actually it was the tour guide that took the pic but it's from Timbob's camera. Just had to give credit where credit is due. And I thought that someone would have said something when they saw the D90 in my hand.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Concert Review (aka flailing my appendages in attempts that no one gets within three feet of actually touching me, aka what happened to mosh pits?)

Oh sure it's been a while since the last blog. But I've been busy (and here is where you think to yourself, yeah . . . right). Trip on this for a while, I was actually in Fargo for 5 days (2 days one week and then 3 the next week). So that right there should be worth something. And yes, there is a lot water up there. And for those people that were at the Twins game holding a sign that said "Fargo Flood Survivor", congratulations you were smart enough to move behind the dykes (yes I finally had a reason to type "dykes"). Ah, fuck it (that's your answer for everything isn't it Mr. Lebowski). On to the "Concert Review" or at least the view I have on it. Last night the Susinater 3000, Kelly Kelly Kelly, B.S. (really, thats his initials (and it's fitting if you've ever met him)), and myself went to Station 4 in the fighting city of Saint Paul to see JD (aka Ralph, aka McJohnalds) play. He's just the substitute bass player in the band Venia (if you couldn't have guessed that by the picture above). So let's start at the beginning or at least close to. Just walking up to the door and seeing a few people hanging out outside we knew we were going to be the "different" people. Oh well, we were there for the concert, not the fashion show (and why would you wear the big furry boots to a concert?). When we got in the door, there was some dude by himself singing and playing guitar on stage. I don't remember his name but he was decent enough. Then came 5 other dudes that liked playing really loud and growling. Now I don't mind a little death metal "singing" everyonce in a while, actually I kind of like it. But not this weak growling crap for every song. Sure mix it in every now and then but not all the time for every song. It doesn't make you a good singer. Especially when your band can actually play pretty good. They had kind of a Killswitch Engage sound but with Growler McGrowly singing. And during this band was when the flailing started. This started as expected with a big circle opening and then it got weird. All I could see was arms flailing, helicopter style and getting ready to throw really fast when your 8 years old style. Apparently, that is what the "pit" is now adays. I'm not saying I'm an expert in the field or anything but that's just not how it should be done. But I guess most of the kids were under the age of 20, and probably 75% of those were under 18. So they probably would hate to explain how they got bruises at a concert or why their new shirt was ripped. And the people standing around the circle seemed like they were afraid to hold there ground. If someones coming at you arms flailing it may be scary but you don't have to curl up in the fetal position. If only there was some dude with no teeth, shirt off, and a huge Pantera tatoo on his back there to crush some skulls. You're probably thinking, why didn't you do that? Well, you guys know me. I'm a lover, not a fighter. But I'm also a fighter so don't get any ideas, bub. And remember, there were kids who were under age. That could get you into some trouble. And I'm rocking the glasses again. Anyway, that band finished up in about 30 minutes or less so that was nice. Then came Venia. Let me preface this by saying that I've never seen or heard any of there music before. And let me preface that by saying that yes, they are a "Christian Metal Band". But that doesn't matter much when you can't understand the words anyway. Overall, they are pretty good. The singer actually sang a little but of course had to mix in some growling. You're not hardcore if you dont' growl. But seriously, they put on a good show. And man, JD can play bass pretty good. He had a few little solo type things that were sweet. And of course there was more flailing going on during Venia. Oh well, let them have their fun. Fucking scenesters.