Well, everybody was probably waiting for this post (or at least that's what I'm going to tell myself (someone actually reads this?)). But in case you didn't know, it was my grandparents 50th wedding anniversary (actually it's in September I think but for some reason they're busy that time of the year, so we had the party in July). The party was a real good time. They had a fricken band, man. Yeah, it was a bluegrass band but they still pretty much dominated. See if you can spot the local guy in the band. Of course there was some food also. Ribs, chicken, beans, and cupcakes (I only had one, the next day). I have no idea how many people showed up (mostly because I can't count) but there was a bunch. Right about now you're probably thinking "in the pictures it looks like their is only 6 people there". Umm, I didn't want to bore anyone with the pics of people sitting around talking (although that was part of the cool part of the party), or someones kid stuffing his face with cupcake frosting (Timbo, if you want any pics, let me know), or any of the family pics. Plus, these pics are somewhat funny (well maybe only if you were there). Just kind of scrolling through the pics, 1-the band, 2-damn Tim just can't take a decent pic (that's cool, I have the same problem (see Hawaii pics), 3-hey it's alright, she's drinking for two, 4-got a skeeter on your peter, wack it off (or have someone else do it), 5-mine's bigger than yours, 6-oh, it looks like somebody is only on his first beer, 7-yeah, it always bends to the left, 8-I remember the last time I was in that position, Tim you remember, 9-I'm not sure what Buck and Tim are doing but it looks like somebodies staff fell apart, 10-Trungard approved! So that pretty much sums it up. And like always, if you want the full size pics (or some of the other non-posted pics), let me know.
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