Thursday, January 31, 2008

It's the 60's again.

Hoooly Shiiiiiit. That's pretty much what I said after seeing this pic. Is there anything not to like about it? Ass kicking paint, Check. Tall, above the roof line shifter, Check. Five spoke chrome wheels, Check. Sweet unique exhaust, Check. It has it all.

Saturday, January 26, 2008


I almost forgot I had this pic. These guys are tough mofo's on mean mochines.

Wii Head Tracking?

This is crazy. No not the head tracking thing but how much this guy sounds like Kermit the Frog. Ok, I guess the head tracking thing is pretty sweet. And I like how he didn't do the typical newb head tracking thing by attaching the sensor bar to an old Dewalt hat. Damn newb's. Because a nice sporty form factor just sounds hi-tech.

Somebody (Tim) you should do this. We NEED this. Just picture how cool we'd be ducking around shooting 3d targets that the asian Kermit the Frog made.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Nice Jump

This dude kicked everybody's ass by jumping 322 feet. And he does it twice! And keep watching the video for the "helmet cam". Sweet.