Saturday, February 13, 2010

Visit Dubai!!1

Dubai is one of the places I would like to check out sometime. Sure it's in the middle east which isn't exactly the best area in the world right now. But just look at all the crazy stuff they have over there. They actually made islands in the shape of a palm tree. That's ridiculous. And how cool would it be to see the Burj Dubai (or whatever it's called now)? It would just be nice to get over there before the whole thing goes into the crapper. Which I think we all know will happen at some point.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wait . . . What?

First off, not my picture (yeah, I'm too lazy to take one). But the thing in the picture is what I got going on. Yes, I am talking about the adorable dancing ladies figurine. Just kidding (but you could imagine how cool it would be to have that), I'm talking about the computer. Oh what is that you ask, what is that weird screen on that little computer? Well that my friends is what the cool kids call a "hackintosh". I know, that sounds so cool. Basically its a Dell mini10v that has the Mac OSX Snow Leopard operating system instead of Windows 7. Oh sure you could just keep Windows 7 on it and I'm sure your boyfriend would be impressed (mine was). But you would be stuck with the "starter" edition of Window 7. And that kind of sucks. You can't even change the background image. And everybody knows that if you want to be a hipster, you need Apple stuff. There is only one problem, Apple stuff is spendy. And they don't make a netbook (but what about the ipad?) I know what your thinking, don't you's guys already have a macbook? Yes, we do. But that's not the point. This thing only cost $335. Where the macbook is almost 4 times that. Zoinks. Yes . . . zoinks indeed. And there are times when even the macbook just seems too big to lug around. Anyway, it was a fairly easy installation since there are a bunch of guides and forums dedicated to just this. And yes, everything works as it should. Ok, I haven't tried everything. Like the VGA out to a monitor. But it serves its purpose, surfing the information superhighway. Although the trackpad is a little sketchy compared to the macbooks. That really is about the only complaint I have for it so far. And there are some fixes for that, so it's not too concerning. In closing, I hope the hipsters accept me now.

The obligatory Super Bowl post . . .

I'm not going to go through a down by down breakdown of the game because I'm sure everyone watched it. And if you didn't, is your tv broke? Actually, I just wanted a reason to post this picture. Talk about being in the right place at the right time with a camera. I don't know who took it but credit is due to them.