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So I'm sitting here listening to Willie (Nelson, just in case you didn't know and thought I meant Willie Mays, Willie Mays Hayes (you know, the guy from Major League), Willy Wonka, Wet Willy, or someother Willie) and thinking that the 'ol bloggy blog needed a July 4th post. So, here it is. And one last vid, just because I happened to think of it. Even though everybody will probably hear this song about 1 trillion billion thousand times today, watch it because it is the original video for the song. (edit) Watch the movie now . . .
(And now, the rest of the story . . .)And it has everything in it, the sun setting behind an Oliver tractor, plaid shirts, the whole family eating together, cowboy hats, members of the military, the red and white checkered table cloth, fly overs of a corn field, a lake of Minnesota (Whooa, he said Minnesota, how awesome was that. That has got to be the worst thing that drunk people in a bar ever do. . . really their is a lot worse things but I'm talking about the kind of things that suck and piss people off but not really illegal), some city shots, the family looking through the old photo album, the Statue of Liberty, a Chevy truck with a dog in the back while driving down the road, and most importanly an America loving guy with a beard. Ok, that was pretty much a straight up narration of the video but it really does have it all except for the really crappy video of the US blowing shit up but I covered that in the other vid. Anyway, take it easy (and if she's easy, take her twice (alllriiiight) and keep on truckin'.
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