Sunday, July 27, 2008

Finally, licensed

Yeah, that's right. A license plate for the 500. Only took two trips to the friendly DMV. And as an added bonus, I got to see and hear some really neat things. Like, "I have a college degree and I can't figure the form out" and the kind of skanky chick with a hickey to her boyfriend (I'm only guessing, maybe he just happened to be the lucky guy) "oooh, you look soo good" (because everybody looks awesome when they're standing in line at the DMV).

The 50th

Well, everybody was probably waiting for this post (or at least that's what I'm going to tell myself (someone actually reads this?)). But in case you didn't know, it was my grandparents 50th wedding anniversary (actually it's in September I think but for some reason they're busy that time of the year, so we had the party in July). The party was a real good time. They had a fricken band, man. Yeah, it was a bluegrass band but they still pretty much dominated. See if you can spot the local guy in the band. Of course there was some food also. Ribs, chicken, beans, and cupcakes (I only had one, the next day). I have no idea how many people showed up (mostly because I can't count) but there was a bunch. Right about now you're probably thinking "in the pictures it looks like their is only 6 people there". Umm, I didn't want to bore anyone with the pics of people sitting around talking (although that was part of the cool part of the party), or someones kid stuffing his face with cupcake frosting (Timbo, if you want any pics, let me know), or any of the family pics. Plus, these pics are somewhat funny (well maybe only if you were there). Just kind of scrolling through the pics, 1-the band, 2-damn Tim just can't take a decent pic (that's cool, I have the same problem (see Hawaii pics), 3-hey it's alright, she's drinking for two, 4-got a skeeter on your peter, wack it off (or have someone else do it), 5-mine's bigger than yours, 6-oh, it looks like somebody is only on his first beer, 7-yeah, it always bends to the left, 8-I remember the last time I was in that position, Tim you remember, 9-I'm not sure what Buck and Tim are doing but it looks like somebodies staff fell apart, 10-Trungard approved! So that pretty much sums it up. And like always, if you want the full size pics (or some of the other non-posted pics), let me know.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Graphic Design in America

Found this video on the Garage magazine website this morning. Do your part folks.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

2 down. (see previous post)

It aint gonna drink itself

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Old Video

So I was perusing the ol' photo archives and happened upon this gem. It's from Tim's wedding. We all know who was there so I won't bore you with all the details (really the video pretty much sums it up, some dude who we will call "Scott" tries to show us how to shotgun a beer).

I know what you did last summer (or what I did last weekend)

I'm sure everyone is sitting on the edge of their seat waiting for the next blog entry. I'm sure there was great speculation to what it would be about too (oh will it be about some awesome new music (well it could be if there was something new in music that is awesome (oooh, as a side note (again?) Britney Spears is working on a new album (yeah, that should end well)), maybe a post about kicking ass on the SR500 (maybe if I had the license and insurance for it), or how about some funny little video from the wide wide world of youtube?). Well, rest easy because it's finally here and its pretty much as lame as you thought it would be.
So last weekend we finally added the second layer of vinyl to the infamous graphic wall at a kick ass place in Minneapolis (I'm not going to name names since they probably wouldn't want my weak ass blog coming up when someone google's their name. And its in the pic anyway). Just to give you an idea of scale here, the wall is roughly 25' x 25' (yeah, that's right ' not "(and it spans two floors of the three that they are in). I wish I would have got a pic when the scaffolding was still up but you could imagine how cool it was. How about some specs on the wall itself? Well that's a very good question special kid in the front row (you know who you are). We started off putting dusted crystal vinyl onto the wall that is painted a very dark brown. After they decided they didn't like it (long story and I'm trying to block that out of my memory) we decided to add a layer of matte black vinyl onto what we did already. We did offset the black 1" (give or take (don't look too close)) to the left so that made it a little easier, I guess. Basically, you can actually see the graphic (in case you can't tell its kind of a stylized tree, forest, thing) from all angles now.
Here's another pic showing the top half of the wall. Yep, that is an old Defender arcade game in the back.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Umm, this pretty much sucks. Oh and scroll down to the other posts before reading this one or the next post. Back to Gladiators..
Apparently I get limited to 160 characters on the texting. WEAK. How am I supposed to blog while watching American Gladiators?
The eagle has landed. Repeat, the eagle has landed. Yeah, to all the naysayers (really, who says nay?), the 500 is loose.

Friday, July 4, 2008

America, Fuck Yeah!!!1

See more funny videos at CollegeHumor

So I'm sitting here listening to Willie (Nelson, just in case you didn't know and thought I meant Willie Mays, Willie Mays Hayes (you know, the guy from Major League), Willy Wonka, Wet Willy, or someother Willie) and thinking that the 'ol bloggy blog needed a July 4th post. So, here it is. And one last vid, just because I happened to think of it. Even though everybody will probably hear this song about 1 trillion billion thousand times today, watch it because it is the original video for the song. (edit) Watch the movie now . . .

(And now, the rest of the story . . .)And it has everything in it, the sun setting behind an Oliver tractor, plaid shirts, the whole family eating together, cowboy hats, members of the military, the red and white checkered table cloth, fly overs of a corn field, a lake of Minnesota (Whooa, he said Minnesota, how awesome was that. That has got to be the worst thing that drunk people in a bar ever do. . . really their is a lot worse things but I'm talking about the kind of things that suck and piss people off but not really illegal), some city shots, the family looking through the old photo album, the Statue of Liberty, a Chevy truck with a dog in the back while driving down the road, and most importanly an America loving guy with a beard. Ok, that was pretty much a straight up narration of the video but it really does have it all except for the really crappy video of the US blowing shit up but I covered that in the other vid. Anyway, take it easy (and if she's easy, take her twice (alllriiiight) and keep on truckin'.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Headlight . . . check

So a little late but the headlight is operational, although I just have the wires just twisted together. Just guessing but I probably want to use some sort of connectors on it. And no, that isn't a wireless taillight you see in the picture. I was unable to figure out how to make it light up all the time. I can get it to light up when the brakes are in use though. So I guess it halfway works. More wiring fun for the next trip.