Saturday, January 7, 2012

Good Idea . . . Bad Idea

Does anyone else remember the Animaniacs cartoon where they would have the "Good Idea . . . Bad Idea" segment? This video made me think of that. It's nice that someone made a specific line of ammo to kill zombies. But last I checked, zombies don't exist (at least not yet). So this is basically a video of a guy shooting ugly people. Oh sure, Hornady will make a few bucks and get some publicity (more bad than good but someone (I think it was Ben Franklin) once said "Any publicity is good publicity") and then be forced not to sell them. So if you're into the whole "zombie apocalypse" thing, you should probably buy a bunch of these because there is no way any other bullets will work on zombies.

And this will probably be the only zombie related post on here. Unless there are actual zombies. That would be worthy of a blog post (ha, like half the stuff I post on here is "worthy"? Worthy of what is the question").

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