Monday, August 23, 2010

See, it runs

Here is the "official" it runs post. Yep, the SR500 is finally running and road ready. I actually rode it to work after lunch today. And I rode around last week with Dave E. Boy too. You might be thinking to yourself "hmm . . . I wonder if it's fast." Well, it's fast enough for me. And you're probably wondering "hmm . . . I bet it's loud." Uh yeah, it's kind of loud but I don't think it's any louder than most of the Harley Davidson® brand motorcycles. Most of the cops I've drove by or past didn't seem to care. Also, the video is from a few days ago. The exhaust pipe (aka right leg warmer) is painted black. Because I saw a red door and I want to paint it black. No colors anymore, I want them to turn black. Or something like that.

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