Saturday, October 17, 2009

The internet is awesome . . .

Just the other day I posted a video from Disney World that was filmed with a tilt-shift lens. Well through the magic of the internet, I found a site that will let you "tilt-shift" your own pictures. And it will let you upload up to a 6000 x 6000 resolution. So the D90's pictures are in play. And play I did. . .

EDIT: A long time reader of the blog brought up that something was missing from this post. The website for this. Here it is: . Now you can tilt-shift your own pictures. Even the Timmy and Freddie gay porn ones.

Twins, Game 163!!1??

Here are a few pic's from the Twins' 163rd game. They really should figure out how to be in first place before the end of the season. Oh well, it makes for some good ball (that's what the cool kids call it).This is our view of the first pitch we saw (because we didn't exactly get to the game on time. It was a little tricky getting downtown and then finding a parking spot). And yeah, this is from the 10th row. Boosh.

The obligatory Joe Mauer pic. Did you know he's from Saint Paul?
I want to say that this was the game tying run by Cabrera but I'm not 100% sure. Hey, give me a break the game was last week (maybe I should have posted these pic's sooner then?)
Here is another pic of Cabrera. This time he is politely telling the ump that his momma wears combat boots (that may not have been his actually words).
Twins Win!!1
Some post-game celebration. If you want the complete game experience, play some New York, New York by Frank Sinatra and yell like you're being raped by Bigfoot (the mythical creature, not the monster truck (although that would probably hurt too)). And that would be like being there.
Mauer starting the victory lap around the Dome.
TC just cruising around trying to pick up some babes. And check out the tires on that thing. I wonder if they are specifically designed for driving on carpet. He'll have to switch those next year.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Tilt-Shifted Disney World

I've been trying to find a cool tilt-shift image or video to use on the blog for a while now (not actively searching, more just if I happened to find something). Why? Because it's the bomb. I don't really remember all the specifics about how this works and why but it basically makes everything look like a toy. And when you pair the tilt-shift lens with one of the DSLR cameras that also takes video, well you get something like this video. Could you imagine how cool the pictures from the Twins' 163 game would have been if I had something like this. Oh that's right, I haven't done a post with those pic's yet. I will though (even though the Twins are done, it was still a great game worthy of reliving).

Friday, October 2, 2009

Nice burnout bro!!1

Haha. . . that is all that needs to be said.

It was fun while it lasted. If you missed it, let me sum it up for you. Dude has a Dodge SRT-10 truck (probably new, just guessing. I didn't see the window sticker on it or anything but let's just figure its new) and some other dude has a video camera. So they decide to put the two together and make a sweet gay porn movie. After that they decided to film dude 1 do a sweet burnout. Which is fine until the back of the truck starts swinging out to the right. And then he drives into the ditch, which then flips his truck onto the roof. Camera man then say's "Fuck" a bunch of times. The end.