Friday, November 28, 2008
NIN . . . finally
We finally got to see the Nine Inch Nails show this past Tuesday since it was postponed a few months ago. It was definitely worth the wait. I think you could safely say the NIN pwns!!!1! Pink Floyd in the laser light show category (even though NIN doesn't really have that many lasers but instead has metric shit ton's of LED's, crazy screen things that are, contrary to popular belief, rendered in real time at the show). If you want to read more about the tech,
Thanksgiving (aka eating alot)

Sunday, November 16, 2008
Back Up

So the Windows machine is back up and functioning. It is minus one Raptor though. I know its weak but it wouldn't recognize both of them when I had it setup in Raid0. Either way, one Raptor is better than no Raptor's, right Tim? Anyone want a 74 gb Raptor?
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Once you go Mac, you never go back!!??

The ol' computer has been a little sick the past week or so (in the process of just starting Windows from scratch). I know what your thinking, how can he be in the process of reloading Windows and making another awesome entry to the blogosphere? Well my friends, the answer is simple (and by now you've probably made the connection between the title, the picture above, and the first line of this rambling dissertation) MacBook. We were thinking about getting a laptop anyway and we also wanted to have a Mac. So why not combine the two? Yeah, it is just the Macbook not the Pro. Apple didn't need to get that much of our money. It still is made from one solid piece of aluminum (called the brick, google that, its a pretty neat process and it will make you wonder how many windows laptop manufacturers will start doing the same). The only thing this doesn't have that the Pro does is the illuminated keyboard. You're probably thinking what the hell do you need an lit up keyboard for? Well it comes in handy in low light situations. Say you're trying to check your email or perhaps add an entry into your blog before you go to work in the morning but you don't want to turn on a light. It's a little tough to see the little white letters on black keys when its dark. But I think I'll survive. And I could also just connect my keyboard that is illuminated to the Macbook. Now if I could just get the Cal-Custom computer to reload windows I'd happy. I hope you enjoyed the first post from the Macbook, it probably won't be the last. . .
Saturday, November 8, 2008
And now . . . back to the stupid stuff
This part of Young Frankenstein was brought up at Timmy's place last weekend. I believe it was Dave E. Boy that suggested that this would be a perfect ringer. I couldn't agree more. Oh yeah, I do have this on Bluray.
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